Tuesday, February 21, 2023


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__gNmQLQICQ4O9z69 Reading proficiency and family income. Again, the NAEP data reveal proficiency gaps, in this case between students from moderate and high-income homes and those from low-income homes, as measured by eligibility for free and reduced-price lunch. According to an Annie E. Casey Foundation analysis of 2013 NAEP data, a full 80 percent of low-income fourth-graders scored below the proficient reading level, compared to 49 percent of those from wealthier families (Kids Count Data Center, 2014). And, as the foundation reported elsewhere, the low-income children who struggle with reading are disproportionately children of color (Feister, 2013). Pre-k and achievement. Children who attend pre-kindergarten programs do better in kindergarten. This outcome holds true for children of all racial groups, but the impact is greatest for children of color, children from low-income families, and English language learners. As the Center for Public Education (CPE) previously reported, pre-k programs have both short- and long-term benefits (Gayl, 2008). A longitudinal study of the High/Scope Perry Preschool Project, for example, found that, at age 5, virtually half (49 percent) of students who attended pre-k programs went on to read at the basic level or higher by the time they were 14, compared with only 15 percent of those who did not have the benefit of pre-k (Gayl, 2008). The same study showed continuing pre-k advantages in such realms as high school graduation, home ownership, and earnings. Advantages show up in short-term studies as well. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, CPE reported, children who attended pre-k showed test score gains in such pre-reading skills as letter-word identification and spelling. Income, race, and access to pre-k programs. Despite the considerable benefits of an early start in school, poor children are far less likely to be enrolled in pre-k programs than children from wealthier families. In 2013, nearly two-thirds of low-income three- and four-year olds were not in preschool, compared to half of their more affluent peers (Kids Count Data Center, 2013). Children of color fare somewhat better but are still less likely to attend preschool: 63 percent of Hispanic and 52 percent of African American three- and four-year-olds were not enrolled in preschool, compared to 51 percent of white children (Kids Count Data Center, 2015). Contact Information *Organization: o8B5tZZSwHRL *First Name: b9mFoyP4HgW *Middle Name: 2WuaN5K *Last Name: fahPcL4Y7iop7FL *Address 1: CT GP83 B9 EFQB 47JN *Suite / Apt: *City: new york *State: NEW YORK *Postal Code: 10007 *Country: USA *Email: *Daytime Phone: 06268524269 *Evening Phone: *Mobile Phone: *Selected Groups: Running USA Industry E-Newsletter Transaction Receipt Dear hoang.website, Thank you for your PlayStationStore purchase. Doomscrolling is slowly eroding your mental health. (Nah, it's eroding my mental health. And I didn't have that much at risk in the first place.) Order Number: 4554920946 Online ID: transientson Date Purchased: 09/26/2018 @ 02:05 PM Details Price Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (Downloadable Game) $49.99 Current Wallet Amount*: $0.00 Subtotal: $49.99 Tax: $0.00 Total: $49.99 Charge Method: *This wallet amount is current as of the date and time of this transaction. This e-mail message has been delivered from a send-only address. Please do not reply to this message. For more information about your account, please visit the links below. Playstation and "PlayStation" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Hi mccallglenn@gmail.com, no-reply@zoom.us Your Zoom account (mccallglen) password has been changed. You're getting this email to make sure it was you. When: 2023.02.21-12.27.24 Pacific Time (US and Canada) https://us05web.zoom.us/activate?code=WkXAjuNIu9ZxmRs5WQ9fGZez9cbHtFJg_5o2RbuQCsg.AG.eZsO3lWSH_vqhGCEZIyXkBmk2HjJyDtP7gU6gmXCLlTuEybNxRiIF0LBR0Uc-VVqdzrdvsk3eDlsbU3R_v3zjpA1RLH9HV2mF7eQaJthi8FxUZvP7elhtJAH7PcM8DbfuJXQsXRK2MN0U-P0tCm-xwLa5UU6VUOxk1chEQrq.jAXDMY5G7R-zFDZ10whERA.Q32JQZf4xDe_Wrzt&fr=signup If you did not make this change, click here to reset your password. To improve your account security, we recommend that you enable Two-factor Authentication on your Profile page. Thank you for choosing Zoom. -The Zoom Team +1.888.799.9666

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